Saturday, January 29, 2011


So much happening, just remembered I had this blog!  It's been almost a year since I've updated!  I am going to be in a pageant next weekend, so I wanted to update this so I can keep my thoughts posted throughout the weekend.  Here are a few pics of life recently!~

This is from a photo shoot in Jacksonville, FL that I won!  Makeup by Paulina Perez ( & Photography by Alex Michele Photography (

This is from a photoshoot in downtown Lynchburg, VA.  Makeup Artist: ME! Photographer: Caleb Hamm Photography

Friday, June 18, 2010


SO much has happened!  We've been in Lynchburg for over a year - isn't that CRAZY?!  We love it.  God has blessed us so much, I'm not sure I can remember to write everything.  Definitely one of the biggest is the house that God provided!  In October, 2009 (less than 5 months after moving to the area) we bought a house!  Mark has an amazing job working with McDonalds, and I've been working for an eye doctor as a "Certified ParaOptometric".  About 2 months ago I picked up a job as a sales associate at American Eagle (for a number of reasons- one being I was bored because I'm not taking classes this summer and Mark works a lot more hours than I do)....

Looking forward...this August we celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary~ There have been lots of ups and downs- but let me tell you, this past year has been the best by far.  God is so good. :)

I've worked a ton this week - so I'm going to keep this short and sweet.  If anyone is out there, hope you have a great evening!  ~Rachel

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Home for the weekend

I was able to fly home and surprise my family this past weekend, and it was awesome! It was for my brothers 20th birthday party & his going away party...He is going into the Air Force (he just called me and as of today he is officially in the Air Force- paid & everything haha)...

Here's a pic- I have more on my phone but haven't had time to add them yet. I'll miss him- but I'm proud of him and I know he'll do GREAT things!!! :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Weekend in NYC

I just have to say that I LOVE New York City. This past weekend Mark & I traveled to the city with one of the drama teams from Word of Life. We got to see and do so many different things- it was FUN, surreal, eye-opening and exciting. We laughed & cried...Why, you ask? Well, it was fun to see Time Square, the Statue of Liberty, etc...However, It was eye opening to see the homeless people around- as if they were just part of the scenery. We were able to meet many physical needs this weekend, as the church we stayed with Friday night has a ministry where they go to certain areas of Brooklyn and hand out food every Tue & Sat...On Sunday morning we were able to do a service at a homeless shelter- WOW. We went there praying that we would bless the people, but boy did we get blessed!!! They are so ...real. And thankful! You would think of all people they would have reason to be bitter...but they were so sweet and thankful. After the service we were able to give them all food as well, and then stand outside the shelter handing out bread that "city harvest" had provided. It was neat to be able to provide nourishment- and the gospel.
In Time square, we had brought sandwiches to handout to homeless people there (we didn't know how many there would be since it's such a nice area) ...Not ONE of us handed a sandwich out in about a 14 block radius. Partially because they are few and far between in that area - and others said no!
Anyways, enough rambling. I hope you like the fun picture I posted :)
Have a great day and God bless!! Don't forget to be thankful for what you have...Life is but a vapor- and can be taken from you at any moment!! LIVE LAUGH AND LOVE , and don't take your blessings for granted.

Monday, October 6, 2008

New Apartment

Here is one picture of our new apartment!! It will look quite a bit different in the next pictures...We are still "in the process" of moving in, so that's why the boxes, etc...
We went out on ministry with the 2nd year ensemble this past weekend, and we had a splendid time! The group was fun, and we were able to help a church in Saugerties, NY immensely! We cleaned, painted & put up new fencing...The guys tore out some old bathrooms as well! We were happy to be of service, and then the group did a concert for the Sunday morning worship service...Pretty good for their first time, but still kind of rough around the edges- but, we know they'll be great! Practice makes perfect :) Well, Mark & I are taking this afternoon and tomorrow morning off, so we're looking forward to that time together. Unpacking & organizing is on the agenda, as well as tons of homework for me! That's one downfall of traveling on the weekends- I don't really have time for homework!! grr..
Anyways- Have a great day!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Trip to Michigan & New Apartment

Whew! We just made a weekend trip to Michigan for my cousin, Kendra's, wedding....It was beautiful, and I had the privilege of singing during the ceremony! Congratulations, Jesse & Kendra! The wedding & reception were at the Felt Mansion in Holland, MI- Mr. Felt was the first to invent an adding machine of sorts? There were various "adding machines" in the rooms all over- it was cool! History & a wedding all in one :)

The trip was mostly uneventful- which I suppose is a good thing! We were able to see my very good friends, Tim & Heidi, and their 6 month old twin boys...They are huge! Very healthy- beautiful was so good to see them, it's been about 2 years.

Other then that- we just moved into our new apartment yesterday!! We'll take pictures and I will have them uploaded soon...Check back!

Well, I'm off to work out and then baby sit & unpack some more- have a great evening!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New York

Well, in case you didn't know- we've recently (this past May) moved to the beautiful state of New York. We are living in the Adirondack Mountains, working with Word of Life Fellowship, Inc.
Mark celebrated his 22nd Birthday in July, during summer camp! We worked on the Word of Life Island, a summer camp for teens for 8 weeks this summer- and now we're trying to settle back into "normal" life- whatever that is! We are currently "homeless"...haha, living with some friends until our apartment opens up - only a couple more weeks! October 1st is the move in date...Why not find a different apartment? Well- there's not really anything else available...So- here we are waiting, enjoying our time with our friends the Melville's. :)

I am still in school, looking forward to graduating in May 2009, it's not a FOR SURE thing, but I believe it'll happen :) I'm working hard, in anticipation of that date. I will be graduating with a BS in Psychology and a BA in Religion. yay! Not sure what I'll be doing with it- but I know I'll just be happy to be finished...ready to move on to the next thing!

I have started a homebased business as a consultant with Arbonne International and I love it! I'm loving the chance to meet new people, and also the extra income is nice. I'm looking to be able to quit my job within the next year as Arbonne should replace and surpass my current income! Great products make it easy :)

Mark is doing well- started a new job with the Bible Institute ministries department...Over the drama team, as well as helping out with the other ministry teams and many other various jobs around the campus! :) We'll have the opportunity to go on weekend trips with the ensembles and/or drama teams this year- and it is going to be incredible! Being able to minister and serve with and to the students. We will also be traveling to florida for the 2 Broadway style productions Word of Life puts on. "Sights & Sounds of Christmas" (November 14-Dec 14 is when we'll be in FL for that) & "Jesus, Behold the Man" around easter time.

Well, I think that's enough for now...If you want to see more pictures, etc. you can catch up with either of us on our facebook! Have a great day...